Sunday, December 19, 2010

ornament gift tags - day 8 of the 12 crafty days of christmas

i'll let you in on a little secret....i'm a procrastinator.
a life long procrastinator...
so that usually means i'm wrapping presents for christmas on christmas eve. lots of them.

i've always loved beautifully wrapped presents with gigantic bows and pretty gift tags, but when you're in a frenzy wrapping presents the night before, little sticker tags are about all you can pull off. 

this year, i thought it would be nice to make some gift tags BEFORE my last minute wrapping session so at least i'd have that element on the gifts. 

maybe i'll work on adding the bows next year... :)

here is what i used.

my cricut (this is what i used to cut my shapes because it is faster, 
but you could use a paper punch or hand cut them too)
pretty paper
and a thin sharpie.

i cut 1 1/2 inch squares with some curved edges out of tan cardstock to make the top of the ornaments and 3 inch circles out of different colorful paper for the ornaments.

then i folded the squares in half and drew some thin black lines on the front to look like the top of the ornament.

i then cut a small slit in the fold of the ornament top.
i cut a piece of twine about 8-10 inches long and thread both ends through the hole.
after that i glued the inside of the ornament top.
i placed the circle inside and then press closed.

pretty simple once you get all the pieces cut.
and really cute!

i think these will look great on my presents this year!!!


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